How to Raise Happy Kids

Thank you to Christina McGhee for being our special guest on this week’s episode of Co-parenting Simplified: The Fayr Way. Christina is an internationally recognized divorce parenting expert, speaker, and author.

While splitting up is undeniably hard, Christina believes divorce doesn't have to equal devastation for families. She feels with the right kind of information and support, parents have the ability to be a child's absolute best resource when families change.

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Throughout her career, she has educated both parents and professionals on how to minimize the impact of divorce on children. In her book, PARENTING APART: How separated and divorced parents can raise happy and secure kids,  Christina offers parents useful strategies for dealing with the “real-life” everyday challenges of co-parenting.



Throughout this episode, you will hear Christina talk about the importance of transitioning during divorce and dealing with new marriages after divorce. One of the important highlights of helping kids transition is the language used.  For example, don’t use the word “step” to refer to kids or parents but instead use the word “bonus”. It’s also important to try not to use the word visit or visitation when referring to their time at the other parent’s house. That can make it seem like a temporary situation. Christina also discusses communication between co-parents and suggests using K.I.N.D. messages when communicating. K.I.N.D. stands for Kid centric. Informative. Nice. Direct.  Watch the full episode below to learn more about How To Raise Happy Kids.

Join us every Thursday at 4pm ET at for a live event with our panel of experts, Michael Daniels, Fayr Founder and CEO, Susan Guthrie, Family Law and Mediation Attorney and host of The Divorce And Beyond Podcast, and Gabrielle Hartley, Family Law and Mediation Attorney and Creator of Better Apart™. Each week there will be a new special guest.  Tune in next time to see who it is!

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